It has been awhile since I last post on the stocks I am watching as i have been hibernating for more than a month, Its time for me to be back to serve the community again and sharing my view on the market.
Over the past few weeks, we have the best penny stock rally since the time of blumont, this is a good news to all investor and traders in Singapore as it is telling us the market is not dead yet. As long as big boys can make money, the market will have opportunities. Same theory as why you dont want to kill all the sharks in the ocean.
Previously I mentioned
MM2 Asia in July 2015, now is up 300%
Japfa in May 2016 now up 30%
China Aviation May 2016 now up 40%
Cityneon in June 2016, now is up 35%
The above stocks are still good, if you are still holding, congrats for you. To learn more, pls check out the Free Seminar Below
Market outlook and individual Singapore stocks analysis using Technical Analysis
- 10th November 2016, Thursday, at 7.00pm - 10.00pm (Registration begins at 6.30pm)
- 18th November 2016, Friday, at 7.00pm - 10.00pm (Registration begins at 6.30pm)
Venue : #34-07, 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, Singapore 079903
Well, lets come back to the Singapore watchlist of Uptrending stock now other then those mentioned above.
1) HMI - The Company is a healthcare provider with presence in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. The Company's segments include Hospital and other healthcare services; Healthcare education and training, and Investment holding. The Company owns and operates the Mahkota Medical Centre in Malacca and Regency Specialist Hospital in Iskandar Malaysia with total bed capacity of over 500 providing a suite of medical and surgical services.
For the fiscal year ended 30 June 2016, Health Management International Ltd. revenues increased 15% to RM397.8M. Net income decreased 28% to RM19.9M. Revenues reflect Hospital and Other Healthcare Services segment increase of 15% to RM388.2M, Healthcare Education and Training segment increase of 14% to RM9.6M, Malaysia segment increase of 15% to RM388.2M, Singapore segment increase of 14% to RM9.6M.
2)SingMedical - Singapore Medical Group Limited is engaged in the operation of medical clinics and provision of general medical services and investment holdings. The Company operates through three segments. Its Health Business segment consists of general ophthalmological services, such as implantable contact lens and cataract surgery; orthopedic services, including treatments for joint and cartilage injuries; oncology services, including the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer; obstetrical and gynecological services, which caters to the wellness of women; otolaryngology services; dermatology services, and general medicine and health screening services.
For the six months ended 30 June 2016, Singapore Medical Group Ltd revenues increased 34% to SP$19.5M. Net income totaled SP$633K vs. loss of SP$240K. Revenues reflect an increase in demand for the Company's products and services due to favorable market conditions.
3) Yanlord Land - The Company's segments include Property development, Property investment and Others. Its Property development segment is involved in the development of residential, commercial and other properties. Its Property investment segment is involved in leasing of properties to generate rental income and to gain from the appreciation in the value of the properties in the long term. Its Others segment is involved in provision of property management, ancillary services, advance purchase of construction materials, investment holding and others.
For the six months ended 30 June 2016, Yanlord Land Group Limited revenues increased from RMB3.35B to RMB10.26B. Net income increased from RMB186.5M to RMB584.1M. Revenues reflect an increase in demand for the Company's products and services due to favorable market conditions. Net income benefited from Other Operating Income increase of 22% to RMB220.4M (income).