Best known for pulling off one of the greatest trades in the history of the markets when he shorted subprime mortgages during the 2007 housing bubble, John Paulson has amassed a portfolio of nearly $20 billion. That remarkable trade earned him and his investors more than $15 billion
- Investopedia

Looking through the stock price with ART Position System, I realised that we can actually do better. What you have to do is to Sell when the price is going downtrending. and Hold when it is going Uptrend. By Staying out on the Downtrend, you not get hit badly like Mr John Paulson on his Valeant Phamaceutical, which is down 70%.
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Date: 3 March 2016(English) or 4 March 2016 (Chinese)
Time: 7pm - 10pm
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As per his latest 13F filing of Dec 31, Paulson has reduced his stake in Allergan - AGN by about 20$ during the last 3 month of the year but Allergan still remain as his top Position with 10.6% allocation in his public equity portfolio.

It currently holds the No. 4 position at 7.24%. Paulson began accumulating shares of Shire in 2012 and has been gradually adding and decreasing his position since then. In 2014, Paulson increased his position to 9 million shares in anticipation of an acquisition offer by AnnVie, another pharmaceutical company.
Following his most recent purchase in September 2015, which raised his share total to 8.89 million, the company was subpoenaed by Congress seeking details on its patient-assistance programs, drug pricing and distribution practices. At the center of the controversy was Valeant's excess price increases of two of its heart drugs. That was followed by a report accusing Valeant of fraudulent accounting practices. Valeant's share price, which had hit an all-time high of $257 in September 2015, has fallen nearly 70%.

Read more: Top 5 Positions in John Paulson's Portfolio (AGN, VRX) |