Not familiar with Hong kong stocks? or Need some Trading ideas? The above is 15 Stock with recommendation from our Phillip Hong Kong research team. Each of them come with a research report, so let us know if you need any of the stock report!
Dont missed the chance to catch the bull again! we have been conducting Singapore, Hongkong & China stock seminar since November 2014 Bull Run started. Everyweek Join us every Thursday and Friday stock discussion session!
9 April 2015, Thur (English) 7pm - 10pm
10 April 2015, 星期五 (华语) 7pm - 10pm
Venue: 141 Cecil Street, Tung Ann Association Building #07-02 S(069541) Tanjong Pagar MRT Exit G, walk straight 80m, opposite the traffic light.
9 April 2015, Thur (English) 7pm - 10pm
10 April 2015, 星期五 (华语) 7pm - 10pm
Venue: 141 Cecil Street, Tung Ann Association Building #07-02 S(069541) Tanjong Pagar MRT Exit G, walk straight 80m, opposite the traffic light.