At the point of writing, S&P is in red at 1321 -0.58%, with US down for the last 2day. I think the chances that we have a green day tomorrow is quite impossible. hence i am looking at a few bearish stock that you might want to add into ur portfolio to balance the bull and bear.

Capitaland closed 3.15, Long term/midterm/ short term all down trend one of the most bearish stock in sgx. We have a Short signal in our system, can consider to short if it move 1bid below previous day low. Stoploss can put at 3.22, if can break below 3.08 i think there will be more meat below.
Citidev closed 11.20, also long term down, short and mid term fluctuating. I pick this stock because it recently hit resistance and bounce back after failing to break above. Can consider to short if it goes 1 bid below previous day low. Stoploss at 11.64

PEC closed 1.11, forming a Head and shoulder but yet to complete. Can consider to have a early short if break prior day low. Short more when it break the neckline. Stoploss at 1.15